- 3 Bosc pears or ripe apples
- 1 1/2 cups simple syrup (1 part water heated to dissolve 1 part sugar)
- ¾ cup champagne vinegar
- ¾ cup dry white wine vinegar (or the last bit of a bottle of white wine you couldn't finish last week)
1) Combine in a saucepan and bring to a simmer.
2) Remove from heat. Cool.
3) Strain out fruit with a sieve and your shrub is ready to use.
Gastrique Uses
1) Put your shrub in a saucepan over low heat and reduce it until it coats the back of your spoon.
2) Remove from heat.
3) Drizzle over a peach crumble or enjoy it over vanilla ice cream. This gastrique should last for many months in your fridge, if you can save it that long!
Yield 1½–2 cups syrup